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the Importance of Spiritually

Welcome to the Age of Aquarius. 

Are you feeling the shift?! Everyday, more and more people are coming together and remembering who they are. Reconnecting on a soul level and finding better solutions for all of humanity. 

How do I become aware of what my needs are?
  • Sit down and meditate! 
Before you roll your eyes at me, you're really just rolling your eyes at yourself.It's okay if you've never successfully meditated or maybe you've never tried it. But that's why it's called practice. Take it a step at a time.
  • Journel!
Grab a pen/ pencil and some paper and write it all down! Be open and allow emotions to flow. No matter how gross you think it is, newsflash it's not; it matters. Attaching words to your feelings allows you to become aware of your thoughts. When you are aware of your thoughts it becomes easier to navigate through them. 

Why should I be a conscious thinker? 

  • Because you feel better when you have control of your decisions.
  • Not doing something because you feel the need to but, because you want to. Huge difference.

You'd like fun, freedom,  a happy life. But often times don't believe it could be possible because you remember what others have said. You shoot your own self in the foot.I don't believe they do it on purpose, not all of them, but please, DON'T let  others set your limits for you! Live a life that you want and lead by example. 

Our mission is to evoke change. Create the life you were meant to live.